by Michele Carter-Graham on March 2, 2010

In orfer for a medical provider to see and treat a work comp patient in Texas, the medical provider must be participating in the patient’s certified network.

Many providers feel that the new system is going away but by all evidence at hand, this is not true.

If you are seeing work comp patients and not getting paid, it may well be because you are out of network in the certified networks.  Call 972.245.1315 for additional information. Or email phmnetwork@tx.rr.com

About Michele:
Michele Graham is the CEO of Professional Healthcare Management, a leading provider of medical business management services. Professional Healthcare Management started in 2003 and offers services to all medical professionals for credentialing and insurance contracting. We have performed services for over 3000 providers and multiple hospitals, surgical centers and wound care centers. Our fees are competitive and our staff is comprised of experienced professionals with years of experience in the healthcare industry. Michele has over 40 years experience in healthcare and we welcome anyone having issues getting contracted or getting paid. We try and negotiate better reimbursements for each and every provider....call for more information!

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